Nov 17, 2014
2014 Schwab Impact® Conference
Research is a big part of everything we do at First Pacific Financial. To best serve the needs of our clients, we make it a paramount priority to be aware of opportunities available to our clients today, and to be informed about what changes may lie ahead for our business, the industry, and the future of guiding clients in achieving their long term goals. We execute on this strategy by reading top industry publications, many hours of continuing education by our Certified Financial Planners, and traveling to industry conferences.
This month, our advisors Adam, Darren, and Rafik ventured to Denver, CO to attend the Schwab Impact® industry conference. Among the highlights was hearing from Dr. Ben Bernanke, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and former President George W. Bush about their time in leadership. They spoke of the challenges facing America today, and how they were able to help get our nations footing back in the days off the financial crisis. Love or hate the policies set in motion, it’s fair to say these men dealt with some extremely tough decisions during their tenures. Learning how the President was able to lean on his “financial advisor,” in times of great stress was truly fascinating.
On a lighter note, the President talked about a topic that we’ve been educating our clients on for years. That is, how to live in retirement. “Going from President to being retired is like going from 100 MPH to 5 MPH.” And although he has an extremely full exercise schedule of running and mountain biking, he mentioned that he still felt restless as he would go to bed. Although we do not have any ex-Presidents of the United States as clients, many of our clients face the same challenge entering retirement. For W., the hobby of painting has become an extremely positive outlet for his efforts and he mentioned that he had painted for three hours that morning! He said he never liked art in school, and this new hobby has truly been a blessing. Many of our clients are trying to find that next passion they can dive in head first. Be it painting, hiking, reading, or a myriad of other hobbies, the common theme of success is keeping the brain and the body engaged.
Finally one of the best presenters at the conference was Charles Best, founder of donorschoose.org. This is a wonderful website which enables donors to “crowd fund” classroom projects set forth by teachers nationwide with as small of a donation as $10. Take a look at what projects near you are being funded! Overall the week was truly empowering and we look forward to sharing our newly found insights with all of you over the coming year.