Oct 17, 2016
Coffee Group Hits Ground Running
Our monthly Coffee Group has been a huge success as clients have been able to meet and greet other advisors and First Pacific staff. This open house style format is an opportunity to grab breakfast, sip coffee, and get to know staff and other clients. No presentations or marketing pitches; just a chance to relax and chat with our staff. So far the event has only been held at our Vancouver location, but we are starting to get requests for the Portland office as well.
The Coffee Group is held on the third Friday of each month, with the exception of select months throughout the year in which other events are held. A reminder is sent out in second week of the month via email. Be sure to ask if you would like to be included on the reminder list.
The next Coffee Group is being held on October 21 at 7:30am. The coffee is usually still hot up until 9:30am and some clients stick around the full two hours. We welcome you to do the same!