Mar 27, 2020
Catching our breath
With the major changes in both our work and personal lives, we think it is important to pause and take a breath every so often. This last week has seen the firm enact a hugely successful offsite transition. We want you to know that we are all safe, healthy, and continuing to be here for you. At this point, all functions of First Pacific Financial continue and our team is strong, positive, and ready to help you through this.
The markets continue to have large intraday moves, both positive and negative. This volatility is likely to stay for awhile. Similar to all of us adjusting to being home, we are adjusting to this reality as well. Please continue to make us aware of any specific financial needs or surprises that we are not already accounting for. Time is a valuable resource in market dislocations. We believe that the planning we’ve done has built in time to allow you and your portfolio to weather this crisis. If you need assurance regarding this, please reach out.
We want to thank all of the people continuing to work in order to keep us safe, healthy, warm, and fed. The sacrifices of today will help to mitigate the health impact of this event and move us towards a quicker recovery.